HI again,
I know I just posted last night but Im feeling the writing bug and when that happens, Watch out! I may talk about anything or anyone- nothing is sacred :) . I have to get it out of my system so bear with the wierd thoughts or divine words typed from these small hands (if you are a fan, its divine, if not-just wierd and that's ok) You might get something out of this one or not,
Im just spouting thoughts and I love to hear from my friends, kinda like a open form feedback and I welcome them all!
So here is my thought for the day... We take for granted so often the little things in life. Take for instance today for me, I went to the Dr thinking I was dying for the millionth time( my deepest fear) and he did not confirm my deepest fear, but told me that Im alive and well and have to continue with my commitment I made to get my act together and be responsible and change how Ive been living. I know its a sick thing to want to leave this world and leave all behind but I know what is waiting for me in heaven and it sounds better every day. The thing is today was different, I left the office looking at the little things I take for granted like the shiny bugs that distract and the warm fall breeze at my back , the chance to spend time with my teens afterschool to see them grow when so many work 2 jobs just to feed their children even now the dirty dishes dont look so daunting. My laundry waved at me again as I passed it in the hall but today, I will make the effort to kindly fold their arms and put them in the rooms to get filed away by their owners. Other little things...listening to my daughter hammer out a tune on the piano or sqeak her latest tune on her clarinet, the sound of the air conditioner's hum as I type, my son skyping away upstairs studying for his AP Bio test, these are the little things and although there are so many things to complain about in this crazy world, with crazed drivers in this hood and expensive coffee places I cant afford anymore, I wouldnt trade a day for its the little things in life, we take for granted until one day we cant do them and this life is truly over.
So today even though I read about all the disasters pending on the news, I will look for the good where I can find it and even find some funny stuff (like dancing marengue dogs) if I take the time to really open my eyes and see life with different specs on, a new vison of what life is really about and what we can make of it, Move on from my sorry circumstances and know God has blessed my life each moment Im allowed breath from these fat lungs of mine. I love you all, until the next time- Sayonara
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