Hi Everyone, its been awhile so I thought I would jot down a thought or two to share with my fans :) heehee (wish it were so)
Throughout the years of my life (and no it hasnt been recently) I have been told by a few psychiatrist that my diagnosis is the following:
bi-polar- duh didnt need a dr. to tell me that
schizo- should have warned my friends about this one but it makes it more fun when they are unaware (oops, not anymore)
mildly depressed- oh wait- that would be mildly not happy
anxious- WOW!- this I had to see a Dr to tell me- I never noticed :)
After all the professional opinions, I have decided that this is why it makes it so hard to write this book of mine I have been dreaming about getting published one day. Dreaming about it with all my minds laboring over what this book should be about makes me tired and then the anxious side of me tells the schizo side to shut up and then my feelings gets hurt and Im crying but later (about 5 minutes top) later Im happy again - my bi polar self has emerged, Oh man!@, to go from sad to mad to happy and then to start this whole vicious cycle again, its amazing I can get my pajamas on at night much less write the novel of the century. No wonder I walk around with sandals that dont match, its only expressing who Iam on the inside with a slight shout out to the world. I will write more in the morn. Im tired and have an actual job so I need my beauty rest to scare you all tomorrow.
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